Friday Fashgasm…

June 29, 2012 § Leave a comment

Dear Sirens, I was snapped in this neon number at the recent Art Melbourne soiree and it caused such a sensation that I thought I’d recreate it & share it with you for this weeks Friday Fashgasm! Not sure if it was the double lace, the neon jacket or the Tiffany green saddle bag that caused such a stir…oh let’s face it, it was the ‘Dreaming’ boots that peeps were ogling at. A thigh-high sensation that literally made me strut like a scene straight out of Pretty Woman.



The luxe lace jacket is one of my fav new finds from River Island, shipped straight to my door. Love that! The white shirt has the most divine dip back, love how it trails around after you as you walk. The swanky mini is a sewing machine special and the jewels are from Melbourne locals Owl of Eden.



Hope you’re inspired by the skilful styling and of course, send me yours, sharing is, as we know dear Sirens caring. Upload away:  (or simply click on Facebook icon below)…



Amber Renae x

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